Products » Light fixings » Click-Up fixing System


For tiles and ceramic slabs
click up invisible mechanical safety hook


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Non cracked concrete
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Hollow base material
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Solid base material
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Insulation panels
vorpa en p704604-click-up-safety-witholding-hooks 016 = Suitable application vorpa en p704604-click-up-safety-witholding-hooks 017 = after checking the consistency of the base material

Characteristics and benefits:
  • The glued façade is a system that makes it possible to get good-looking results and less recurring maintenance than other equivalent systems. This type of covering uses adhesive to attach ceramic slabs directly onto the plaster of the building exterior. However, to ensure the laying of slabs over 30cm it is necessary to adopt an additional safety devise against detachment of the adhesive due to tensions arising from structural adjustments, stretching and extension to thermal excursions, earthquake shakings, etc
  • The concealed Vorpa Click-Up system is a patented device that ensures the connection of the ceramic slab to the wall by an invisible mechanical hook inserted in the slab itself through an engrave before laying. After having covered the slab with glue and installed it, the hook is subsequently secured to the wall by a plug.
  • The Vorpa Click-Up system provides pull-out load over 350kg* for each application point stated by specific laboratory tests. This allows great safety in case of detachment of the glue between wall and slab together with fast and practical installation. (*Click-Up M-type on 11mm porcelain tiles with adhesive).
  • Vorpa Click-Up safety hooks are made of 0,5mm AISI304 stainless steel in four different sizes according to thickness of slabs (minimum 6mm). They are supplied ready for assembly to back side slabs once made the incision by Click-Cut grooving toll

  • Tiles and ceramic slabs mounted in façade with adhesive​

Suggestion for use:
  • Respect the installation data
  • Clean the hole before the installation


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