High solids formulation - excellent gap filling properties without shrinkage
Excellent external weathering properties
Form ready to use thixotropic paste, black in colour
Elastoplastic sealant adhesive based on bituminous elastomeric resins which adhere on most common building materials, even on wet surfaces, forming a flexible film
For bonding and sealing of roofs, insulation materials (excluded expanded PS), ceramic tiles, roofing tiles, polymeric surfaces (plastics) free of plasticizers.
To seal and waterproof joints, cracks, various breakings, car body shells, etc.
Adheres on concrete, zinc, wood, aluminium, metal sheet, etc.
Good occasional resistance to solvents, except turpentine and mineral oils.
Not overpaintable, not compatible with other sealants
Color black
Specific weight ca. 1,02 g/cm3
Viscosity fixotropic paste
Boiling point 150 °C
Flash point > 39 °C
Application temperature 5 ÷ 30 °C
Open time < 20 min.
Temperature resistance -35 ÷ 110 °C
Strain absent
Do not use on glass
Do not use on PVC
Do not use internally
Surface preparation:
Surfaces must be sound, clean and dry, free of oil and other contaminants. Apply with sealant gun in curbs. Complete curing depends on width and atmospheric conditions and may take from 12 hours to 2 days. Anyway, after some hours a good adhesion and consistence are obtained. Tols can be cleaned with mineral turpentine.
Consumption as adhesive: ca. 310 ml/mq
Consumption as sealant (0,5 x 0,5) cm: ca. 10 meters